Stage 6 Language Class Enrolments at this Leading Sydney Girls’ School Have Seen a 50% Increase in 2024, Challenging the Decline Seen Nationally

Education leaders at Loreto Normanhurst are at the forefront of countering the language learning crisis in Australia with their emphasis on fostering a love of language from an early age key to their growth in Stage 6 language enrolments next year.

Language education in Australia is in a critical decline, according to figures by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Only 9.5 per cent of students in 2020 took up a language subject, the lowest figure in the last decade. With the question among schools on how to pivot this decline, Loreto Normanhurst is paving a bright future for languages education with Stage 6 enrolments in Chinese, French, and Italian up by 50 per in 2024.

Led by dedicated educators Stefania Thomsett and Clara Marsh, the school attributes its improvements to instilling an early immersion in languages from a young age. With programmatic changes implemented to its language program five years ago, the school places an emphasis on weaving in languages into other core subjects as early as Stage 3. Now, the program is contributing to a flourishing number of Stage 6 language enrolments next year.

Concurrently, the program ensures students embrace Australia's multilingual identity and further equips them with the vital skills needed for the global marketplace. The educators believe such proactive approaches are what is needed to help mitigate the national shortage of linguistics teachers and foster a generation of linguistically diverse individuals.

"As educators in Australia, we must instil a deep respect for cultural diversity in tomorrow's leaders, especially in our interconnected world. The importance of linguistics in our curriculum cannot be overstated, with immersive language learning in developmental years crucial for retention, interest, and future careers opportunities," said Ms Thomsett, Acting Dean of Learning at Loreto Normanhurst.

Loreto Normanhurst’s approach to language learning is firmly rooted in an evidence-based framework, adapting research backed approaches including the Extensive Processing Instruction (EPI) methodology and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. The EPI methodology emphasises language acquisition through scaffolded ‘sentence builders’, allowing students to develop a command of authentic, relevant language from early on and master necessary grammar as they progress.

Complementing Loreto Normanhurst’s use of EPI methodology, the highly popularised CLIL approach is intertwined into their language education strategy in Stage 3. By exposing students to languages through content from other learning areas such as Visual Arts and Drama, the methodology not only enhances students' language skills, but also deepens their cultural understanding and appreciation for diversity.

"Working hand in hand, these methodologies are improving student intrigue in languages greatly by incorporating authentic and relatable language learning experiences. By doing so, we ensure our students are not just learning about a language but truly becoming linguistically competent and culturally aware global citizens," added Loreto Normanhurst Head of Languages, Ms Marsh.

Australia is currently grappling with a precipitous drop in language education enrolments, a decline that can be in part accredited to a critical shortage of qualified language teachers. In response to this, Ms Thomsett and Ms Marsh have suggested a short-term strategy that focuses on pragmatic steps to bolster the language teaching workforce. Their recommendations include streamlining the accreditation process to remove unnecessary barriers, providing financial support for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam fees to ease the financial burden on prospective teachers, and creating new pathways to certification for teachers of other disciplines with a background in languages. These measures aim to swiftly attract and secure a robust roster of language educators.

Whilst these recommendations will work to enhance the pool of language teaches, the pair place largest emphasis on the importance of an early immersion approach to language education. By integrating language appreciation throughout the early and formative stages of education, Loreto Normanhurst’s approach is designed not just to spark an interest in language learning but to instil a lifelong engagement and proficiency in languages. This long-term vision looks to nurture the sustained interest and expertise necessary to reverse the current trend and enrich Australia's linguistic landscape for decades to come.

"It is critical to have educators teaching languages that are passionate about their subject matter. When teachers bring a genuine passion to the classroom, it not only makes the lessons more engaging and enjoyable, but it also inspires the students to develop a similar passion for the language. This is how we create a positive cycle of language learning and teaching, and it's the foundation for building a linguistically diverse society,” Ms Thomsett continues.

This approach aligns seamlessly with Loreto Normanhurst’s commitment to academic excellence, as seen in its unique and innovative curriculum, including the award-winning Loreto Normanhurst Student Growth Model (LNSGM). The LNSGM’s holistic educational framework integrates faith, academic, community, and extra-curricular activities within the FACE Curriculum to enrich students' learning experiences and cultivate the next generation of multilingual, globally minded leaders.


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About Loreto Normanhurst

Loreto Normanhurst is an independent Catholic, day and boarding school for girls in Years 5 - 12.

It offers an award-winning model of learning, an extensive extra-curricular program, a modern faith, and a strong sense of community.

With over 125 years of tradition in educating girls, Loreto Normanhurst graduates are independent, articulate, compassionate women who are seekers of truth and doers of justice.


91-93 Pennant Hills Road Normanhurst, NSW 2076

02 9473 7300